How Can you keep chickens cool in summer heat?

I do several things to keep my birds cool. They free range on my fenced acre. I do not have a pen, just a large coop. It does get hot where I'm at in summer, in the 90s and sometimes around 100. They like to hang out under big blue spruce trees I have around the property. When it gets 85 or more, I run two mister hoses through the trees branches. They love it under there, and it cools it down by almost 20 degrees.

Another thing I do is feed them really cold melon, either cantaloupe or their favorite, watermelon. I also freeze 2 liter plastic pop bottles with the top narrow part cut off. Be sure to use the straight sided ones, or you won't be able to get the giant ice cube out of the ones that are shaped like an hourglass. Put those ice chunks in the waterers, and it keeps the water cold. The ice floats, so doesn't interfere with the flow.

Lots of shade, misters, cold treats, and ice. I have not lost a chicken to heat yet.
Our chickens enjoy "wormsicles". We take dried mealworms, put them in an ice tray, add water, and freeze them. It makes a nice icy treat and it's good enrichment for them too!

They also enjoy frozen cantaloupe and watermelon, and have plenty of shady spots in their run. The other day we gave them a tub full of cold water to play with. We've seen all of them drink out of it, but so far only the Easter Egger has gotten in!
The wife was thinking of a small kiddie pool to fill just a few inches on really hot days, any reason this would be a problem
it could be but it depends on the birds I have tried it out and some won't even touch the water and others would walk and soak as long as possible.You should definitely give it a try but don't force them to get in. Good luck!
Our chickens enjoy "wormsicles". We take dried mealworms, put them in an ice tray, add water, and freeze them. It makes a nice icy treat and it's good enrichment for them too!

They also enjoy frozen cantaloupe and watermelon, and have plenty of shady spots in their run. The other day we gave them a tub full of cold water to play with. We've seen all of them drink out of it, but so far only the Easter Egger has gotten in!
That's a really good idea
Sounds crazy but i have made a cold soup for mine the past couple days when it has been in the 90's. Its simply a bowl of ice water with watermelon pieces, oats, and a small hand full of black sunflower seeds. They will spend twenty minutes eating and drinking the mix. May not do much to really cool them off but... they seem to love the treat.
It doesn't sound completely crazy and I'm definitely going to try it.
My girls love their pool. The have shade all day and I went the ground out where their coop is. They also like a little yogurt in the afternoon. Gonna their water try the ice in their water.
I was just coming here to ask the same question lol. We just started a heat wave here in NH and I am worried about keeping my chickens and ducks cool
I put frozen watermelon in the duck pool for the ducks they love it, frozen berries, watermelon, water with ice in it.

though the first time they seen water with ice in it was today and they took at least 15 minutes to stop staring at it wondering if it was going to do something, Izzy my polish is always the first to go and try something though. once they seen her do it then they all checked it out.

I made sure they had shade to go into.

Glad I found this thread so many other ideas you all shared
A couple things I do, put sunflower seeds in ice water and as they eat seeds they drink cold water.

I also put a brick in a tub with ice water.
The brick soaks up the water and as it evaporates it keeps them cold as they stand on it
My chickens only like 4 things to eat. their normal feed, corn on the cob and mashed potatoes and hotdogs. they wont eat any veggies like letus or greens. they don't even like grass lol very strange chickens. lol
Have you tried to freeze your corn on the cob?? Mine love it
It's really hot and dry where I live, so a mister fan in a shady spot works well for me. At first they didn't like it, but now they all stand in the sweet spot where it's cool, but not too wet.

Also, just thoroughly wetting the ground in a shady area is good.

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