How Can You Tell The Difference?

When I was young, my parents said our guinea was saying "pa-track, pa-track." When I saw here that they're saying "buck-wheat, buck-wheat," I thought it was hilarious! Yes, I agree that it sounds like "come-back, come-back." Anyway, when I got guineas again, I went to a link here and learned instantly how to tell a female by that two-syllable sound. I can tell by watching and knowing my guineas when they're grown, also. I'd like to say that we really love our little group, 3 grown and 4 younger, bought from the feed store because they were half-grown and only $4 each...what a bargain! These 4 "tweeners" (2 lavender, 2 pied) follow us around the yard. We lost our male leader recently when something attacked him during the day; hawk is the only thing I can imagine. A young male stated to take over as leader, but a few days ago, he woke up struggling for breath and went from perfectly fine to death in less than a day. I posted on the "disease" section that it looks like coryza disease has appeared in my flock, & we are battling that. Losing 2 of our guineas in a month has been a very sad thing. Now, a lavender seems like it's stepping up as a possible leader. The older females still seem like they don't know what to do with the male gone. I mainly have chickens, but the guineas have so much personality! Occasionally though, I wish they would shut up!

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