How did everyone's flock fair in this storm?


Dec 22, 2015
North Carolina
I'm in North Carolina and we got hit pretty bad by ice. I lost 14 eggs in the bator and I 3 day old chick. Everyone else made it. We lost power for three days. And I held the chicks under a candle to keep them warm until my brother got back with a generator. He drove 80 miles to get it in are truck with bad ice. Once he got back I was able to turn the heat lamp back on. And the other chicks made it cuddled up together. Hope everyone's flock did ok. I know some people got hit very hard.
We didn't get the ice but we did get five inches of snow. I didn't have any losses. The chickens refused to come out of the coop for three days. They finally come out a little yesterday and today they were all over. It's 50 degrees today so we are having some melting snow now.
We had around 31 inches. I brought the girls in the house on Friday night as I was worried abut the coop being buried, it was. I made them a space in a basement hallway. Kept them inside until I dug out their coop on Sunday night. They were stuck in the coop until I got some of the run dug out today. Overall they just seem stunned by all the snow. I let them "free range" today but they just stood in the path looking around until the run was done.
In my part of VA.We had snow up to my knees.i did not measure as we had strong winds and drifting snow.We always wrap our roofed run with heavy plastic for winter..So my girls had a nice and cozy area. Monday my Husband cleared out their runs.and with the warm temperatures we have had.Their back runs are clear of snow.The greenhouse runs will keep them warm and dry until spring.Than the plastic will come down.I did worry that the coops and runs.may collapse with all the snow. But they held up fine.

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