How did my hen manage to hatch her eggs?

No im 100% sure no one did, no one else comes to my backyard where these chickens stay
This is something a family member would do to me.
I would keep my eyes out for a passerby (rooster).
This is very odd! Have you heard any rooster nearby? I can hear roosters a 1/2 mile from my house and farther when the farm fields are clear.
Are you positive the other chicken is a hen? Do you have neighbors that own chickens? Hens can retain roosters sperm for 2 weeks, if I'm not mistaken. So there is no way it could lay fertile eggs from 6 months ago.
I posted a picture above of the only chickens i have
This is something a family member would do to me.
I would keep my eyes out for a passerby (rooster).
This is very odd! Have you heard any rooster nearby? I can hear roosters a 1/2 mile from my house and farther when the farm fields are clear.
no one near me has roosters and no one in my family sneaked some fertilised eggs in. Im literally the only one that goes in my chickens coop. Those two chicks look a lot like its mother
Does your other hen lay eggs? I think your other chicken is a boy. Still, watching.
I’m pretty sure this is not a rooster. It has never crowed and it always crouches down when we pet the back which is something hens will do. Idk if it has layed an egg though cuz both these hens sit on the same eggs so some of these eggs could be layed by this white chicken.

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