How did this happen?


That was only a partial list.

I'll give you what I think is his best "gotcha" to date in this little game we play.

A few years ago my dd started showing rabbits. We were getting ready for a show and he was giving me a hard time (teasing) about spending money (gas and $2 per rabbit) on our "hobby." I looked at him in astonishment and asked how he thought he could give me a bad time about this one thing dd and I did together considering all of his hobbies. After all he hunts, fishes, goes quad riding, scuba diving, etc. I mean he has A LOT of hobbies and he was giving me grief about taking dd to a few rabbit shows!!? He looked me right in the eyes and said that he only has ONE hobby. I told him he was crazy and he replied, "Yep, just one. I'm a sportsman!" I had to concede at that point, mostly because I couldn't stop laughing.
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Hey RM44-we ladies want your WIFE to become a member-sounds like we could learn a thing or two from her.

I'm with Kittymomma-you started a GREAT thread!
Sportsman....that's the ticket!!!

What we men do for you women. This youtube clip explains it pretty well.

Actually, the ECQ usually posts under this moniker. I just re-hijacked the identity for this post.

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