How did you have your eggs this morning?


8 Years
Sep 23, 2011
How did you have your eggs this morning ( or anytime today for that matter)

We had our hard boiled dipped in a little salt- Yum.
My son even got out the egg scale so he could measure all the hard cooked eggs and get the biggest one
I like to make omurice, we eat a lot of Japanese style sticky rice around here (curry the other day) and this is a Japanese dish. Check out the video - the red stuff is a sort of sweet/half spicy catsup kind of condiment. I use Mae Ploy Sweet/Hot sauce. I made a big batch of naan the other day and warm up a piece in a very shot skillet while I'm working my omurice. Great stick to your ribs breakfast. The video speaks for itself. If you have never seen the movie Tampopo I suggest it highly.


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