How do Guineas do free-ranging(predators)?


Apr 22, 2020
I do not free-range my chickens unless I am literally standing there with them, otherwise they’re caged in. I have a very high bobcat population around my house. Do guineas do any better? Thanks !
I do not free-range my chickens unless I am literally standing there with them, otherwise they’re caged in. I have a very high bobcat population around my house. Do guineas do any better? Thanks !
I doubt guineas would do any better with your bobcats. I have a ton of foxes and the guineas just leave their scent where ever they go, which the fox just hone in on and then pick them off. I have had to fence a majority of their range in, which has diminished the fox kills by limiting the spread of guinea scent( poo & feathers) and giving the fox a barrier to travel around.
I do not free-range my chickens unless I am literally standing there with them, otherwise they’re caged in. I have a very high bobcat population around my house. Do guineas do any better? Thanks !

i would say anything else other than bobcat, they’d do OK. They fly really well and can get up in trees, plus they’re fast. Bobcats are the only thing I’ve lost a guinea to, except maybe a coyote when a girl has gone to a hidden nest. I personally wouldn’t bring a flock home if I knew bobcats were my biggest predators.

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