How do i become a chicken farmer when i grow up?


Wish Granted
11 Years
Sep 20, 2008
I need some tips on how to be a chicken farmer when i grow up. I am only 15 but have always wanted to raise chickens as a full time job, I want my own farm one day but am willing to work on someone else's until i have the experience i need. I want to go to college to but what do i go for? Are there any classes or groups you know thats not FFA? I plan on moving to Kentucky later on in my life, thats were i want to start my own chicken farm. Please leave me some tips on what to do, Thanks allot.

Hey, there! Working on a chicken farm would be a great way to learn the tricks of the trade. There are poultry science fields of study at colleges. Usually universities that have vet schools would offer at least a general animal science course of study. That's what I went for, although I had limited poultry classes. If chickens are what you know you want to learn about, I'd look for Poultry Science programs.

Also you can check with your local cooperative extension office for training/information courses. Good luck!
Auburn has a really good Ag program as well as a great vet school. Perhaps you could combine the two? I hear farming can be hit or miss. Being a country vet could be really cool AND you could still farm on top of it.
(Plus Auburn is a fine place to go to school! War Eagle!!)
I do like chicken farming, I had chickens, raised them changed there cages fed them, its one of the most peaceful jobs ever
I do like chicken farming, I had chickens, raised them changed there cages fed them, its one of the most peaceful jobs ever

Be aware that being a commercial chicken farmer is not very much at all like having some personal chickens... totally different thing.

Just sayin',


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