how do I ceap my girls warm


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
I have 3 girls since April. They are the best pets, laying daily there eggs till my garden, play with my Dog but what now.
I am worried about the cold.
Where are you?
Do you have any kind of enclosure or coop for them?
What are the expected temperatures?
What breed(s) are they?

Your information is too vague to help. Please try again with more detail and we'll all be happy to try to help. You don't have to be specific about location, just a state will help.
Need lots more info before anyone can help you. Pics would be nice...just because we like looking at your chicken family

Where are you?
Where do they roost?
How big is it?
Is it insulated?
Do you have shavings on the floor?
Are they secure from predators?
I live in MN it gets cold here, Mine did fine last year I have a coop and I stack straw bales around it. I also put one row of bales around the incloser to block the wind. They can go out thier hatch any time so I make a straw bale tunnel. Make sure they have heated water and some ventulation you do not want it air tight.
i give extra treats during the winter time. They love
hotdogs and scrambled eggs..all kinds of things. If it gets
below 25 degrees we hang a red heat lamp about 4 foot
from the ground and let them snuggle under it. We have also
hung a red heat lamp above the roost...again about 4 foot
above the girls. We make sure that the heat lamp cannot fall.
When we plug in the light we tie the cord in a knot where the
cords plug in together...if you dont need an extention cord make
sure you secure the cord so that it cannot fall.

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