How do I integrate new RIR to existing young flock


8 Years
Aug 30, 2011
This is my first post - new at this just got my first chicks in April
I have a young flock of 3- 1 RIR, 1 Buff Orphington, 1 Barred Rock Rooster who were all raised together from chicks in my living room. A dear friend had to get rid of his mature laying RIR so I took her. Got her yesterday have her in a small cage in the run with the others. My original flock got all worked up (especially the rooster) and tried to peck her through the cage which I guess is normal? I am not at all concerned about disease because I know this hen, Im just concerned about the pecking order. Would it be easier without the rooster? I have been thinking of giving him away because he scares the dickens out of me...

Any wisdom would be much appreciated...
always quarantine any new chickens. the stress of moving can bring on unseen disease. after quarantine put the hen on the roost with them at night. they will still work out the pecking order but not as bad.
Well unfortulately, this situation came on quickly and I did not consult BYC until after I had put the newbie into a cage within my run. They have been sharing space for almost 24 hours now. Is it too late to quarantine?
Ok, so I'm new here too, and I just got this chicken because I lost one of my sussex. Long story short, the guy I got this from was convinced she was a Sussex. I took her anyway because I saw the way she was living and it was filthy and over-confined. Today is her first day with my flock (mostly separated) but she shows a lot of aggression, and I've introduced new chickens into my flock before without problems. I'm somewhat worried for my pullets who can't defend themselves that well if she were to attack them.

So can you help me, is this a Rhode Island Red? If so what do I do? I don't want to risk any harm to my girls (hens).

the situation has been resolved. Harriet, the new hen took matters into her own wings and flew over the fence and joined the flock with very little fuss. Jules, the rooster is madly in love and everything seems to be working itself out nicely.

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