How do I introduce new birds to my flock?

Monica S

BYC Content and Advertising Specialist
7 Years
Nov 30, 2012

Be sure to have a long-term plan and a place for them to live before your new birds arrive.

Manage new birds separately.

As soon as new birds arrive, keep them separate from the rest of the flock. This allows you to monitor the birds closely and prevent any possible illness from spreading to either group.

New birds have often traveled a fair amount and been near other birds – and your existing flock may have built immunity to germs in your area. Keep new birds in a separate room or coop for 30 days and monitor them to make sure they are free of disease and to acclimate them to your backyard.

During this period, work with the existing flock first and wash your hands between groups to prevent any cross-contamination.

Introduce birds in groups.

After the quarantine period, gradually familiarize new birds to the existing flock. Introducing groups of birds similar in size and traits into a familiar setting can help provide a smooth transition. Be sure there is plenty of space to prevent overcrowding.

One way to help both groups acclimate to each other is to place the two groups in side-by-side runs. Placing the two groups next to one another for one week can help the birds form bonds before being housed together. It can also alert you to potential personality clashes that may be difficult to resolve. Another strategy is to let the new group free-range first and then introduce the existing flock to place the focus on new surroundings rather than new flock members.

In either case, add additional feeders and waterers to the run to prevent the new birds from being deterred from eating and drinking. During the introduction period, the new pecking order will begin to be established. In most flocks, one bird is dominant in the group and the remaining birds will fall into an accepted order below the dominant bird. Occasionally two strong-willed birds may consistently fight in an attempt to gain the position of dominant bird. In this case, the owner may need to find a new home for one of them in order to maintain peace in the flock.

The pecking order is a very stable structure in the group until a bird is removed or new birds are added. At that point, the order must be re-established. Add new birds in a group with similar-sized hens and plenty of available feed, space and water to help ease the transition.

Monitor for success.

After new birds are added to the group, monitor the flock for success or fallouts.

Watch the group closely after the introduction. Birds that are happy, healthy and content will continue their routines without changes in personality or feed consumption. Consistency is especially important during transitions, so be sure to continue providing high-quality complete feed, shelter and fresh water at all times.
I guess it depends on a number of factors. For sure, integration seems a less ugly process when the flock free ranges as newbies can keep out of the way of the established flock members. Stress can further be reduced by having a number of feeding stations so as to reduce competition for food. My 3 months old chicks stay out of the adults way when they are feeding, but the quite happily sunbathe together at other times of the day so integration is not necessarily as clear-cut as it may appear. As long as the squabbles are not serious, they should be ok within a couple of months (thats my experience at least)

All the best


PS - type "integrating new flock members" in the search bar and you will find lots of threads on the topic.
I have found that getting birds in even numbers is easier for the new ones to adjust.
My birds always seem to kick the odd numbered one out of the group, leaving it at the mercy of the older birds who usually peck or be mean to it.
This works well for me.
That depends I think on age, size and breed.
I think I would just wait it out and not get rid of anybody.

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