How do I keep my duck clean?


5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
Hi All,

I hope i'm not repeating myself here, (already typed a message and then lost it).

I have an Aylesbury duck who has a balancing problem, (I think she got trod on just after hatching, but i'm not sure).

She sometimes falls backwards and cannot get up by herself. Because of this she is now a house duck so that I can keep an eye on her.

My problem is she has restricted movement in her neck so she cannot clean herself very well. Although her feathers should be white/yellow they are getting dirty.

Is there anything I can use to help her her get clean. Ive tried water on its own but its not working. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.
My hubby showers with our house call almost daily
Sorry, but the idea of showering with your pet is hilarious
. But if my cat, Buddy, doesn't snuggle in bed with us at night, I feel left out…how ironic? And he only takes spit baths.

People describe bathing chickens with a little detergent, rinse,dry with hair dryer on low and fluff…why not try a gentle baby shampoo and see how it does? Worth a she'll accept it better than a chicken.

I don't know ducks, and only know my 6 Hens, but ducks do sound as lovable.
Showering WITH the duck...why haven't I thought to try this yet? Besides the poop, I mean. How does he keep her from getting in the shampoo or getting soap in her eyes?
Abby knows to stay out of the way when the shampoo comes out:) and poo really isn't a big deal to us haha, it dissolves anyways, just be sure to take out the duck, then wash your feet:) we seriously just talk to him like a kid. "Abby, I'm washing my hair, go to the other end please" and he does Lol
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Abby knows to stay out of the way when the shampoo comes out:) and poo really isn't a big deal to us haha, it dissolves anyways, just be sure to take out the duck, then wash your feet:) we seriously just talk to him like a kid. "Abby, I'm washing my hair, go to the other end please" and he does Lol

Isn't that amazing how smart they are? Wobbles is still a teenager so she's still grappling with the concept of "don't eat Mommy's hair". But she knows "no", "drop it" and "jump". She'll pretty much do anything for a pea or bit of kale so teaching her was a snap. :p
Thanks all for your comments. I will try the baby shampoo idea. I'm sure if I wash it all out she should be fine. You are right about then understanding things. When I tell Daisy its "night night time", she lays down to sleep straight away.

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