How do I keep my niehgbors chickens out of my yard?

I would go with the idea of placing short stakes/posts in the ground and running bird netting from post to post. I would also make sure it's draped to the ground so the birds can't make their way underneath.
That was my idea but my husband doesn't like it much. He suggested motion activated sprinklers but since the chickens get 90% of their food by free ranging they only hide from the rain if it is a severe storm.
Sprinklers might work for a while, but a bunch of determined, hungry chickens may not care about getting wet. Then you have the mess factor of clay soil. We live in the country and have a dirt/clay road that leads to our home and when it gets wet it's nasty. Can you imagine putting down seed, covering it with straw and watering it often for it to grow, only to have your neighbors chickens kick the straw all over, eat what seeds they can and pushing the rest of it into the clay soil? I'm for a simple but effective solution...and that would be netting. And once the grass has grown out you can re-use the netting later on.
Fingers crossed, which ever way you and your husband decide how to keep the chickens out, it works.
That is tough. On the good side, he isn’t seeking problems by reporting your building. Maybe he’s more of a “live, let live” mindset. Still annoying to have his chickens negatively impacting your grass, and poop on cars.

Why do they prefer your yard? More to forage? Other chickens? Sunnier?

Can you post any pics of the area in question? Maybe more suggestions when we know what your dealing with based on terrain/etc.

Putting up a fence/netting may not do much, particularly with game hens. Electric fence is a possibility - as long as legal in your area. However, Chickens tend to fly up to a thing then onto something else, so up to a fence, down to the ground. Or up to the fence, then up to a branch, etc. so, an electric fence may not do much bc they won’t be touching the ground or ground wire. Some people say a flimsy top string can work- it is too flimsy for the bird to perch on before they go to the next “thing”.

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