How do i make my chicks like me? haha

oh yeah and thanks everybody for all the advice!
I have one of those plastic Just 10 braclets from doctor oz's show. My chicks love to peck it and try to steal it (dont worry, they dont break peices off or anything, they just think its a toy).
I gave my chicks grit after they were like a week old..idk about the bread and stuff I gave mine bread and lettuce at about 3 weeks just cause I didn't know they could have that stuff til I learned on here..I know they can have hard boiled eggs tho, they'll go nuts! Lol
do i give them just the yolk or the white too? do they have to start getting grit before any treats?
I have multiple chickens that I've owned since birth, and they love me. They don't like being picked up and handled, but they will gladly let me pet them for minutes on end if I catch them in the right mood. The key factor is spending time with them, making them realize you are a regular part of their life. If you spend enough time with them and get on good terms with them, they will see you as "part of the flock." I even had a rooster who was really mean, but I had raised him since birth and have fed him 99% of his meals. He would always attack and harass anything that moved, but never me. I believe "don't bite the hand that feeds you" comes to mind. So just like with human children: love, care and plenty of treats is always a plus.
I have to agree with what most suggested - TREATS! :) My babies were doing the same thing, started off by feeding them hard boiled egg yolks because I didn't have grit at the time and they went WILD! They are still scared when I enter the room where they are brooding but once I start talking they immediately start to calm down :) Have fun with those littles :)
I go into my shed and fill a pan with food and hold it out, they come over to eat and in one case, they started to squat within about 2 weeks.

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