How do I raise healthy birds?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Bertram, TX
I have chicks that are a few weeks old and one that is about a week old. I have them on medicated starter and I clean the brooder frequently and give fresh water what seems like every hour! Where do I go from here. I have been reading about all the pests they can get. What can I do to safe guard them from pests and worms? Am I supposed to give them worm meds before they get them? Or only if they get them? Could they have them now even if they haven't been outside? I plan on using a river sand floor in my run and in the coop using the DLM. I also will use DE. What else can I do to make sure they don't get sick or bugs/worms? They will also have a larger fenced grassy run outside of the secure run/coop. Can I treat this area with something?
Pampered chicks do very well. I have never given chicks medicated feed. Is the store out of regular chick feed? Hold off on the wormer until you see symptoms . You are at the right site . Just start reading a few threads every night. Your doing fine. Most people raise back yard chickens to be more natural, not to see how much supplements and medications they can provide like the big farms do. My chickens and chicks like oatmeal for break feast. Raisins with it on Sundays. Just by being uncrowded they will be healthier.
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I just started the medicated today. I was worried about coccidia. I clean out their brooder every two days and the food and water every day but they still poop everywhere! I was afraid they would get sick. I am realizing this is just like having children! You worry you are doing the right thing for your babies : )
Well at least you have some time to formulate your plan for the hens when the Roosters get older and start to strut. Good luck with that one. Disease in a clean low crowd pen is not your biggest concern of things to worry about. Even back in the 70s predators were the number one killer of chickens in my flocks. Knowledge from this site will be your best source of keeping them safe. Your doing good.
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