How do I take good pictures of chickens?


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
I keep trying to take nice pics of the flock. When they were little, this was easy, as they slept all the time and weren't too fast. I do take pictures of wildlife as a hobby, so I am used to sitting quietly, etc. Figured it would be easy with chickens--just throw down some stale bread and clover, they all come running, snap some pictures on high-speed film, right?

Wrong. I've got pics of a bunch of blurry brown things with legs, headless balls of feathers, and a bunch of chickens that seem to have escaped from The Matrix.

Like so:

How do you guys take such nice pictures of your chickens?
I always get great pictures of fluffy butts. I have no luck with head shots at all. Wish I could help. Can you change the setting ISO? Used to be we could get 800 speed film and moving tagerts were easier.
Sometimes cameras have an "activity" setting that looks like a little running person. If you set it to that setting, it takes a whole bunch of pictures like 1 second apart, all in a row, while you hold down the button. If you have a digital, this is great because you just peruse the images until you find a good one.

Also, more light = faster shutter= less blurry. So try a sunny day for best results.

Wrong. I've got pics of a bunch of blurry brown things with legs, headless balls of feathers, and a bunch of chickens that seem to have escaped from The Matrix.


Don't feel bad.. me too!
I thought maybe my arm was shaky or something!

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