How do we get them to go in the coop at night?


5 Years
Oct 3, 2018
We are new to ducks. We adopted five khaki campbells about a month ago. They faithfully went into the coop at bedtime along with the chickens. Tonight, they didnt follow and are outside the coop. We left the lights on and we‘re hoping they make their way in soon—it’s after dark. Last night, I raised a ruckus in the coop when I moved chickens around to put them on the roosting bars above the spot where the ducks like to sleep. Is that why they’re not coming home? We do have predators around, not in our immediate area, but if they hear about easy prey then who knows?

EDIT: is there a way to reset them so they want to go back in the coop nightly?
Can you herd them get someone to help till the ducks catch on to what you want. Get behind them and walk slowly use your arms to guide or long poles. The other person can keep them from scattering. You don’t want to walk fast take it slow. Then tomorrow put some kind of treat mealworms dog food scratch what ever they love and put it in a can with a lid then go out where your flock is hanging out start shaking the can and whistle when they come close toss some of the treat on the ground then gradually get closer an closer to the coop until eventually they are right at it. If the coop is in a pen then all the better once you have them inside close the gate. Now you have two ways to train them. They need to learn this quick ducks left outside with no. Protection will end up some predators dinner. Only feed them inside the pen and if they free range only feed them in the evening before time to put them away. Ducks learn quick . Just be consistent.
I usually yell DUCKS when I’m calling them in. Anything that gets a ritual. But, a warning, when the weather is nice...they are tough to wrangle. I’ve had my own issues. Stay strong!! :)
The ease of getting my ducks in at night changes with the day length. When they have to spend 16 hours cooped up they are resist more and complain more when I herd them in. They also behave more for my husband because he is much less likely to have peas for them. Most of the time they go in but sometimes they like to stand around and quack at you before they go in. I think the sass is part of the fun 😂.
We are new to ducks. We adopted five khaki campbells about a month ago. They faithfully went into the coop at bedtime along with the chickens. Tonight, they didnt follow and are outside the coop. We left the lights on and we‘re hoping they make their way in soon—it’s after dark. Last night, I raised a ruckus in the coop when I moved chickens around to put them on the roosting bars above the spot where the ducks like to sleep. Is that why they’re not coming home? We do have predators around, not in our immediate area, but if they hear about easy prey then who knows?

EDIT: is there a way to reset them so they want to go back in the coop nightly?
For me, FOOD is the golden ticket to get my ducks inside. I know some don’t like to keep food and water inside overnight and I agree it does make a mess, but (this time of year) they all line up like little soldiers at exactly 5:00 outside the duck house.

Food crumble, peas, dried mealworms, crushed oyster shells, and of course clean water.

In the summer, they may need a little more persuasion to get out of the pond.

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