How do we manage to get into these situations? Collected another "Slightly Damaged Stray"...

Oh, I got teary eyed reading your story. Friend of mine just took in 3 yearling girls because they were starving and although the owner didn't want to get rid of them; couldn't afford the feed. He is a gorgeous boy, I can see why you fell in love. . .this is what soft hearted animal lovers do, we save animals. Look on Craigslist, people are giving or selling their livestock dirt cheap because of the cost of hay. I am paying $7 a bale right now for my alpacas, but heard of some that sold at auction for $2 so going to have to check it out!!!!! Good luck with him; he is a sweetie!!! And, yes once you name a critter, they are yours. LOL
So it's looking like Gus is going to training Friday. Going to be a long few months without the big lug! I'm getting a little teary at the thought. He's going to be broke to ride, and pull a wagon. The trainer swears he'll be a different horse when I get him back...I'm not so sure. I think he's likely about to learn just how stubborn a horse can be...
Don't be worried about a 12-hr trailer ride. He'll do fine. I have had horses my entire life, and have moved literally all over the country with them. I've hauled across just about every state except Hawaii - even lived in Alaska.

My most recent move was from Oklahoma to Maryland, about a year ago. I was VERY concerned about bringing along my 36-yr old gelding. That's a long trailer ride for an old, arthritic horse.... I seriously considered putting him down, instead of bringing him. In the end, I couldn't "kill" him just because of another move. So my vet stocked me up with all sorts of Rx's to control his pain during the trip, and off we went.

He did fine. He was better than fine, he was amazing. He put my other 2 horses to shame, he handled the trip that well. And I never once had to medicate him, either.

So don't think a 12-hr trailer ride is too much for Gus. He'll do great.
I'm glad to hear that. It had us worried. He is going to training. We were trying to find him a home, but nobody "fit" him like we did...
I know I'm late to the game. But no such thing as a free horse!! Lol!!! All 3 of mine are rescues. Gus is a dashing man.

Levi says "hey brother from another slightly broken stray mother!"
Levi is a 16 hh paint I was given a year ago. When I got him he weighed 800/850lbs. He weighs 1200lbs now. He is actually at a trainer too :( just dropped him off yesterday because we are considering selling him and wanted to get him legged up for the trail rides coming up.

Anyways....your heart is a fabulous one, so kindred to mine.
He's been putting up with me working with him and doing fine. Will pick up his feet, leads, stands tied. He's been a good boy...WITH ME. Now with anyone else?
Well, I don't know about Elderly or Ladies...but he's MY horse.

He tests anyone and everyone. Even me most days. He's a good horse, he's just stubborn, hard headed, and he wants to do everything his way....sorta like me.
You know the phrase... animals are like their owners :p

Levi is a complete airhead, a total ham, and pretty lazy to boot. But loyal and trusting to a fault. He didn't get the lazy part from me.....the rest....well...he's my horse lmao.

How does he seem to be doing with the trainer?
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When we took him before his surgery? I believe the trainer said "This horse is going to make me lose my religion!"

New trainer is picking him up the 8th...we'll see how he does. I'm going to Florida, so I won't see him until time to pick him up after we move, but I'll be receiving pictures which I'll post here. I'm hoping he'll do ok...but then, time will tell.

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