How do we manage to get into these situations? Collected another "Slightly Damaged Stray"...

I'm going to try to post as many updates as I can. We'll be pretty busy with the move, and I doubt I'll have a whole lot to say with my boy still being here and us in Florida. The main news will be when we finally bring him home, and ride him!
Join the club, lol! All of my critters are hardheaded, they learned it from watching me, lol
Well, we'll see Friday. The trainer seems pretty confident without even having seen or worked with Gus. I'm thinking Gus'll be the horse to shake that confidence a bit...
I think Gus will be just fine. From what you described, he has had a hard time and now that he is recovering he is going to show his silly true colors. :)
When we got him, he was very weak. Now that he's "feeling his oats"...well, he's pushing around all that weight he's gained! He's a good boy. He did make me look like a total jacka@$ yesterday, but that story will have to wait until tomorrow...
We had a guy come out to look at him. Guy was totally in love with Gus, and had been following his progress. So, I hook a lead hope on him and start leading him around. He's walking around, stopping when I tell him to, picked up his feet for me, was just being an all around amazingly well behaved boy. I'm so proud! So I hand the lead rope to the man and let him try. Gus won't move. Just stands there with his ears laid back. Finally coax him into following the man and he starts galloping. Finally stops that and he won't pick up his feet. When he finally does, he brings his foot down on the guy's foot. Took me a minute to get his foot off. The man says "I'll be in touch" it any wonder that he hasn't called back?

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