How do we manage to get into these situations? Collected another "Slightly Damaged Stray"...

I'm sure someone has mentioned it but try posting your story at a site such as

I see people asking for help with animal med expenses and it might at least offset the costs!

Also, maybe it's just less accepted in CA but that jerk would be in MAJOR trouble if he did that, esp if he went through with shooting him after neglect! Did u report him to animal control?
SoCal, we called every horse rescue we could BEFORE we took him. No one wanted to care for a horse that needed as much care as he did. One actually said "He'll require more vet expenses than we could charge for adoption fee."
Nobody cared. Gus does have a donation page. If you are interested in donating, you can PM me for the info. We'll care for Gus as long as we can. Right now, unless he finds a home tomorrow, he goes to training Friday.
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[COLOR=008080]SoCal, we called every horse rescue we could BEFORE we took him. No one wanted to care for a horse that needed as much care as he did. One actually said "He'll require more vet expenses than we could charge for adoption fee." [/COLOR]
[COLOR=008080]Nobody cared. Gus does have a donation page. If you are interested in donating, you can PM me for the info. We'll care for Gus as long as we can. Right now, unless he finds a home tomorrow, he goes to training Friday. [/COLOR]
I didn't mean call the rescues to see if they were interested in him, I meant call them to report the owner! Neglect is animal abuse which is at least a misdemeanor...
I didn't mean call the rescues to see if they were interested in him, I meant call them to report the owner! Neglect is animal abuse which is at least a misdemeanor...
Whenever possible, I try to keep the government out of our business. They'd have complicated a matter that didn't need complicating. He's being taken care of now.
Well, Gus went off to training today. He definitely showed Alfred exactly what he was getting himself into...he did not want to get in the trailer, and broke the second "Unbreakable Halter" he's had on him. I really think it would have been funny if it wasn't MY Gus that was the center of the commotion...Terry and everyone else was having a pretty good chuckle...I on the other hand....
Going to miss my Buddy. It was raining and muddy here today...Here's the pictures I snapped of Gus going to training...

Gus has trailered fine before. I really think a lot of it was because I was there, and he was being led away from me. Or, it was simply because Gus decided he didn't want to do it...and when Gus decides he doesn't want to do something....he ain't gonna.
It's sorta funny now...I'm chuckling about the commotion he made...but it wasn't a bit d&mn funny when he broke that halter...I was sure he was going straight to the woods...but he stayed right there. Sorta looked at me like "I told them I didn't wanna do that."

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