How do we manage to get into these situations? Collected another "Slightly Damaged Stray"...

Gus had his shots this morning, as usual. When I walked in the stall he about knocked me down!
He stuck his big ol' head right into my chest and begged to be petted.
Poor big guy doesn't know his own strength. I told him "Gus! You're bigger than me bud! Easy!" And he calmed right down and gave me a bit of space. I gave him his shots while MFB held his halter (and this time he didn't even puke), then I brushed him down and picked his feet up a few times each foot. He let me mess with them all I wanted...such a good boy.
Well, Gus is mad at us.
He has some swelling...uh, underneath...where he had his surgery, and the vet advised us to "Spray it with a hose"...
So...we did. Gus WAS NOT happy with us. He proceeded to go into a pout, and decided not to cooperate with anything else we wanted to do. He spit out his probiotics, so I had to sneak it in his food...wouldn't lift his foot...just being a very stubborn boy.Gus does NOT like being made to do things he doesn't want to do...he's very much like MFB...stubborn and set in his ways.

Some pics of Gus before the mad spell...and after. I'll let you all decide which pictures are which.

Visiting with the cow.

He is beautiful!!! He is the color I would love to have. I own a black Morgan mare and I love her! Her temperament is terrific and she is such a pleaser. She has the reverse problem of Gus and would gladly give him 50 pounds! I have always loved Morgans and everyday I am reaffirmed that she was a great choice. You will not be disappointed in the time, effort and money you put in him.
Love the pics, Em! Does he have drains? My horse's jewels were both outside and I know it is way different, but the vet had me get my boy out so that the outside incision would stay open and it could drain until the inside healed and the swelling went down. Having him stalled surprises me, I would think you should at least take him out for walks. That is not advice. I would just ask the vet if the wound should stay open or closed.
Anna, he is gorgeous. I love everything about this boy...especially his size. He's just this huge gentle giant. I think that stubborn streak might be a problem though with his Sparky said "This horse just might make me lose my religion!" :lol: I can't have anything easy...everything worth having takes a bit of work right? ;)

Sour, now you know it's for Gus's own good. Come on down George...we'll take very good care of you here. :D
Love the pics, Em!  Does he have drains?  My horse's jewels were both outside and I know it is way different, but the vet had me get my boy out so that the outside incision would stay open and it could drain until the inside healed and the swelling went down.  Having him stalled surprises me, I would think you should at least take him out for walks.  That is not advice.  I would just ask the vet if the wound should stay open or closed.

Wisher, we asked him about walking him around. He said "NO". This surgery Gus had is a pretty major deal, and wasn't as easy as a regular uh, removal. Dr. Nunley said he had to search around Gus's belly for over an hour to find the other testicle. :/ he said stall rest. But today, with the swelling, he told us to walk him a little, very little, after his hosing. Well, Gus walked after the hose down, but mostly away from me! :rolleyes:

We just have to be very careful with him. He's actually still pretty touch and go. It's a dangerous operation for a healthy horse...and Gus wasn't in that great of shape to begin with. :/

I did actually talk to my friend that told me about Gus today. His cousin is Gus's previous owner. He asked about Gus, and when I told him everything we'd done and all the money we've spent on him, he thanked me and said he was glad Gus went to someone who would take care of him. Then he said his cousin does this all the time, and he and his grandpa always end up feeding the poor things. He's apparently the one feeding those mares too...not the cousin as I originally thought. He'd been trying to feed Gus too, but said he couldn't afford 4 horses that weren't his, so talked his cousin into giving him away. :( the whole thing was very sad.

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