How do you advertise cockerels and roosters?


Jan 17, 2022
Hey guys! I have a few Blue Cochin Bantam cockerels (3 weeks old) that I am trying to rehome. I know some of you will say 3 weeks is way to early to be sure but you can't tell me this is a pullet:

They are also crowing. I have a few others that are different breeds that I suspect are cockerels, but I can't be sure. No red to their combs, just pretty big. How do you guys advertise your cockerels to get rid of them? I know trios are a great way to get rid of roos, but I just dont have enough hens. At this point they are advertised on Facebook. And soon to be one more place, I'll explain later on.

I also have some Black Cochin Bantam chicks hatching under a broody hen. She has 4 chicks, 1 external pip, and 1 that may be internally pipped. These were accident babies from me being gone and no one collecting eggs from the growling broody hen. So yeah. Tommorow will be day 20 for the last 2 eggs. However, the one has already pipped. When they all hatch and I have my final number, I am advertising them on a local radio station's trading time along with the cockerels. Chicks should be pretty easy to get rid of, right? I'm not quite ready to put them on Craigslist yet because I want to try and find them flocks rather then a warm oven. So, if you have hung around this long, the purpose of this whole post is a question:

How do YOU advertise extra birds?
I'm also interested to know. I guess I'm bad at advertising cockerels, because no one ever wanted my boys last year.

Currently I have four 2 month old silkie cockerels and I have no idea how to sell them in a way that people will buy them. And they're obviously cockerels. They also have a lot of bad traits like red combs and small crests, nearly featherless legs.

And I can't sell pairs either because I only have 3 pullets and I'm probably keeping 2.
I make sure i handle all my chicks so they are extra tame. People will take a friendly roo any day, bonus if it knows its name. One that you have to chase and despises people isn't going to find a home.
I take mine to a livestock auction. I label my boys with age, breed, source (like the hatchery name). This can turn out well if a person is looking for good quality chicks/birds, but is dependent on who is there (this one is a busy auction). A chick is less likely to be sold for a meal.
I take mine to a livestock auction. I label my boys with age, breed, source (like the hatchery name). This can turn out well if a person is looking for good quality chicks/birds, but is dependent on who is there (this one is a busy auction). A chick is less likely to be sold for a meal.
I dont think my local livestock auction deals with poultry.

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