How Do You Clean Out Your Coop?


6 Years
Jun 29, 2013
Castro Valley, CA

I have only had my three chicks about a week so I am very new to chickens!
My coop is not built yet but I was wondering how all of you clean out your coops!
Just any kind of tips to make it easier when the time comes! Thanks so much!!
My coop cleaning procedure is pretty straight forward.

First, I put on a mask as it can get pretty dusty. Then I close the pop door and keep all the birds outside. I then shovel out all of the litter and then refill with clean shavings. After that, I take out the nest boxes and empty them, clean them with soap and water and add clean shavings. This is just a simple clean I do every month or so.

The big once of year clean, I scrub the walls, the roost, clean out any cob webs, clean the window sills, etc.

I also like to clean their waterers out with soap and water every week or so. I also do this whenever I do a coop clean.

Good Luck!
Every couple of days I go out and rake the run. Once a week I scoop out the poop under the roosts, and add more shavings (we do a kind of modified deep litter system). I clean out the feeder & waterer weekly. In spring and fall I take out all the shavings and scrub the walls, floors, roosts, everything with a stiff brush and a vinegar/water mixture.

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