How Do You Count 21 Days? (Incubation Start Time Question)


12 Years
Dec 30, 2012
The Great Northwest
I am hearing a few different things and am curious about opinions here or, better yet -- FACT! LOL.

When eggs are at room temperature, then placed in the incubator at say 99 or 100 degrees, at 8am one day, is 8am when you consider the start of the 21 days? When does chick development actually begin?

How do you count the 21 days?
Eggs go in on Monday. Hatch date is Monday, 3 weeks later. If you have not already read "Hatching eggs 101" in the learning center, please do so. It will answer that and so many other questions you didn't even know you had. It will go a long ways to ensuring a good hatch rate which results in healthy chicks.
Eggs go in on Monday. Hatch date is Monday, 3 weeks later. If you have not already read "Hatching eggs 101" in the learning center, please do so. It will answer that and so many other questions you didn't even know you had. It will go a long ways to ensuring a good hatch rate which results in healthy chicks.

Thank you!

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