How do you do it???

I had to retire.
The men take care of the outside of the house and the girls take care of the inside. I have no idea what they even do out there. I gather the eggs, sell the eggs and keep the money.
I have the main chicken flock, and then a brooder. Soon to add: another coop, incubator, a ton of new chickens, and I might have to build a grow-out pen.

I have chicken hour every other day- coop rinse and dry, bedding cleanout, bag the bedding to the garden, scrub the feeders and waterers, re-feed and water, and then same with the brooder. That plus feeding and walking the dogs, checking email, delivering eggs and a lot of paper to do. I do this between 4:30-7:00. And then I still have time to relax. No idea how I do it!

Then I'm up all night here, and I'm seriously thinking that I have insomnia, because I get so little sleep without even minding, then I'm tired all morning.
I am married with two kids (11 and 6), three chickens, three horses, one dog, four cats, and a goldfish. I garden in the summer. My husband and I own a business together. I take Wednesdays off work to stay caught up at home, but mostly what I do is work work work from the time I wake up at 6 a.m. until the time I go to bed around 10 p.m. Don't get me wrong, I like it that way, I always like to have something to do and I'm not good at relaxing. And I love having a truly clean house.

That being said, in the summer the house gets a once-over and I spend most of the time outside doing things I love, because warm weather is fleeting and I have all winter to clean the house. That's when the closets get cleaned, toys get sorted and the baseboards get washed.
Summer is when things get built, flowers get cut and we all go swimming at the lake.

My husband does the mowing and snowplowing, takes care of the wood boiler in the winter, and helps with anything I ask of him, but he ends up working a lot of long hours at "real" work too.

Honestly? If I didn't have a husband and kids, I'd have all the time in the world!
No job to get in the way, I get odd jobs when I can, work is really hard to get. I have some work taking test equipment apart for a friend, I get paid for each load he brings down and I get to recycle the aluminum too. If I work semi-hard I average for the year, $5 a day. If I really work hard, I average $10 a day. I do chores and handyman stuff here and that gets me a cheap POS trailer to live in (If someone tried to "trial" it anywhere it would fall to pieces, it's that old) and most of my food.

The way I live isn't that unusual, it's the "new normal" for a a lot of people.

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