How do you get your chickens to come to you in the yard?

You want a sure-fire way? I got one for ya!


Get a whole container of them and go out to your coop one day when you have a couple hours. Sit down on the ground or sit on something, you're going to be there a while, so get comfy. Throw one mealworm at a time and slowly throw them closer. Get them as close as you can and then stop throwing the mealworms and try handfeeding them, holding the worms as far out as possible. Once they eat a few out of your hands, get up and move to a different area and repeat the procedure. After they follow you around a few times, you are done with your lesson for now.

Later that day go out and throw a couple worms down or try to hand feed again. Don't sit down this time.

After you do this a few times, they WILL come to you. Just make sure everytime you give treats you have a call, something easy that your whole family can use. I use a high-pitch "dok, dok, dok" like that a rooster uses when he has found a tidbit he wants his ladies to eat. It drives them crazy!! They'll come running like they have hawks on their tails!

**Note: If you handfeed them, they will sometimes get the tendency to bite hands and fingers, even when they aren't holding worms. If you want to avoid this behavior, use a small shallow dish to put the worms in and use it as an extension of your arm.**

Mealworms work wonders for chickens! I have tamed all of mine this way, even the feral game-hen who walked out of the woods one day. All of mine come running whether I call them or not, and heaven-help if I walk into the yard holding anything resembling a container.

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Exposure is what worked for me. I would sit in their run and read a book, suntan... whatever I had to do to keep busy for a couple of hours. I wouldn't try to touch them or bother them in any way. They just got used to me. I would throw some treats out away from me and eventually, they would get closer and closer for treats.
Now, I have a flock following me around! I can't let them out like I used to, but the sound of my voice gets them rattled up. I say hello to them when I go outside and throw the occasional treat in there for them.
Now, it seems like they really do like me, even if I don't have a treat. A treat helps, though.
Roost, I give my flock a certain "Chick, Chick, Chick" call when I want them in a certain place....then I scatter some scratch. In the summer they see me coming at an impressive distance and come running to see what I have brought them from the garden. They say that chickens can recognize up to 100 human faces. Make their association with you pleasant and rewarding and they will be your biggest fan club!

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