How do you go about

I went to and bought a domain name, then i googled Ftp3free and downloaded their HTML editor and FTP free software. Web pages for Dummies, HTML for dummies and I was set! (well, a year later i was set!) I know my site is weak and plain but at least I can change it any time I want by myself, it loads fast and gets the info across that I want to share.
You can go about it in the following way:

1. Register the domain name (with domain registrar like ~$15 or so / year
2. Order hosting from any hosting company (I use sureserver) ~ $10 /month
3. Dowload Drupal or WordPress (free, as in beer)
4. Install using their guides (very easy)
5. Download and modify a theme for your site from Drupal or WordPress
6. Download the shopping cart module and install
7. Set yourself up as a vendor with M/C or Visa or use PayPal.
8. Add content and advertise

It's easy to do, there is tons of support for Drupal. You can ask on their forums ( WordPress is mostly for bloggers, so I'd suggest using Drupal (proper CMS - content management system). It will set up a database, users with permissions and take care of the HTML portion of the business for you.

Have fun with it!


P.S. There is a lot of technical people out there that will charge you minimal amount <$1k to get this all arranged for you if you don't ask for too much customization. It could all be done within a week, up and running! P.M. me if you want more information.
You could also sign up with etsy.

I think they charge a small fee per transaction, but it is faster and easier than setting up something yourself, and likely doesn't cost any more than if you had a consultant set stuff up for you.

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