how do you grow alfalfa???

alfalfa takes a fair bit of water though... it is not the most drought-tolerant thing in the world, especially if you don't want to be reseeding every spring. (You will still have to reseed every few, like 3-6, years though) I'd talk to people in your area who are growing it, see what they say about your plan vis-a-vis your particular piece of land and water supply.

Protein in alfalfa isn't going to kill a horse; blister beetles will, also it is possible (not likely, just possible) to founder or colic a susceptible horse on vigorously-growing alfalfa just like any other pasture. Also IIRC it is one of those plants that can sometimes develop toxic amounts of nitrates if growing vigorously, I believe this is more apt to be an issue for cows and goats than for horses but am not really sure (people don't usually feed FRESH, like grazed, alfalfa to horses anyhow, as a grazing horse will quickly kill out all the alfalfa in a field). This problem exists in many other forages as well, though, it is not alfalfa-specific.

Good luck,

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I grew up in Central Utah... south of Provo, north of Nephi, east of EUREKA!

Anyway... after we combined the barley, we would spread fertilizer and then irrigate the stubble.

Once it was dry enough to drive the tractor with the seed drill, we would plant the alfalfa right into the grain stubble field. Usually by the end of October the 'hay' had grown enough that we could cut it bale it... The extra stubble mixed with the hay would make the feed last longer for our cows.

The next spring the alfalfa would come up looking great.

But as has been mentioned, it needs regular watering.
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