how do you introduce a duckling to a 4 week old duck?

aweh girl you're makin me blush
I feel like the lucky one
Good morning :) all. Julie it's crazy how much energy she has I'm so used to my pekin who is quite lazy and just likes to chill on my lap haha
That is funny. Isn't it so much fun to see the different personalities? But it does look like the 2 will be friends. They need that. It is great you supervise now while Gunter grows.
That is funny. Isn't it so much fun to see the different personalities? But it does look like the 2 will be friends. They need that. It is great you supervise now while Gunter grows.
it really is I was going to get another pekin but when I saw her in her little penguin stance I couldn't help but choose her. Marceline still tries to hurt her I don't think it's intentionally maybe just a duck thing but she has gotten more gentle and interested in Gunter still a long ways to go but I think we'll make it
it really is I was going to get another pekin but when I saw her in her little penguin stance I couldn't help but choose her. Marceline still tries to hurt her I don't think it's intentionally maybe just a duck thing but she has gotten more gentle and interested in Gunter still a long ways to go but I think we'll make it
a little penguin stance. So sweet. I'd have taken her home too. I think you are right about Marceline not being intentional towards Gunter. I only have 2 finches and one minute they are friends, the next they are kinda fighting. Hopefully as Gunter gets bigger and faster than Marceline there won't be any nipping from the bigger girl.
Here is today's progress it's now the sixth day and temperaments have cooled way down Marceline even lets Gunter peck at her without so much as a nip, Gunter follows Marceline around. When Gunter get far and starts peeping Marceline will call to her and Gunter comes running to her!

Marceline even let Gunter come inside her room and drink her water! In the last picture you can see one dogs, Simba, (can you tell we love naming our pets after cartoons haha) he wants nothing to do with them yet haha
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a little penguin stance. So sweet. I'd have taken her home too. I think you are right about Marceline not being intentional towards Gunter. I only have 2 finches and one minute they are friends, the next they are kinda fighting. Hopefully as Gunter gets bigger and faster than Marceline there won't be any nipping from the bigger girl.
haha I think it's just common for any specie to fight even people do it . Our dogs fight sometimes mainly when foods involved but we are working with them on that. After fighting they will ignore each other for a while one will even go to his house like he's depressed but about an hour later they're playing or cuddling again

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