How do you keep a hen from going broody?


5 Years
Mar 3, 2014
Our favorite has been going broody and has lost her feathers on her underside. I would let her raise her own it is just that she has never mated. and she is constantly laying (sometimes after she laid the egg) in the strangest of place like on a plastic picnic table. so does anyone have any suggestions?
Put her in a wire cage, with no bedding for a few days. Feed and water of course. Some are more determined then others, just keep trying. Good luck!
we are in the process of making a wire bottom box for her because she always somehow gets into our rabbit cage which has a wire bottom. I would not lock her up though, she is the most active hen!
I'm confused----if she's too active to be locked up, she's not broody. Broody birds set on a nest and don't move, day or night, except once a day or so.

If you're wanting to train her to lay in a specific place, try confining her to that place for a few days. Some folks let the bird out in the afternoon, after they've usually laid for the day, some just keep them confined. Once they re-train their brains to lay in a specific spot, they usually stay with it.

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