How do you keep your duck house clean?

What is pine straw?
I'm hoping to put a blueberry bed in this fall, so some nice acidic duck bedding might be a useful temporary change.
I think the deep litter method is the way to go with just about any animal. But You have to add and/or stir litter more often because ducks don't do it themselves like chickens. Also, because of the water element with ducks, you have to give a little thought to design in that regard. I use leaf litter from around my property, and it works great, although when the pen becomes crowded you really have to stay on top of it and we go through a lot more leaves.
We are building a new barn for our ducks, so all of this info is so helpful. We were thinking of putting sand in the coop, but from the sounds of it probably not a good idea - thanks for saving us a lot of work. Some were talking of pellets? I am not sure what that is. I use pine shavings, is it similar? Something that I do, because of the huge mess that ducks cause with water, is I put the waterer in a old sled. Most of the water then goes in the sled and not on my bedding. It seems to help a lot. My kids are not happy because now they do not have a sled for the snow this Winter. Oops. Anything for my ducks though. But I am sure I will buy a new sled this year.
We are building a new barn for our ducks, so all of this info is so helpful. We were thinking of putting sand in the coop, but from the sounds of it probably not a good idea - thanks for saving us a lot of work. Some were talking of pellets? I am not sure what that is. I use pine shavings, is it similar? Something that I do, because of the huge mess that ducks cause with water, is I put the waterer in a old sled. Most of the water then goes in the sled and not on my bedding. It seems to help a lot. My kids are not happy because now they do not have a sled for the snow this Winter. Oops. Anything for my ducks though. But I am sure I will buy a new sled this year.
Nope, the pellets are just like what they sound, pellets lol The pic below shows you what they look like, brands will vary but a feed supply should have them, they are commonly used for horses.

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