How do you know if a goat has passed her after birth?

Harrison farm

In the Brooder
Jan 3, 2016
My doe had a Doeling on Sunday. We were not home at the time of the birth and there was no sign of any mess or after birth like our last doe who delivered three weeks ago. Today we noticed her birthing area is swollen with a bit of dried blood. How do we know if all was delivered? She is up and acting normal and being a good momma but being new to goats we have concerns.
The dried blood is normal. If she had a retained afterbirth she would be probably showing signs of infection by now. Such as an elevated temperature, droopy ears, smelly discharge, etc.
That's a relief to hear. Thank you
If she retained a placenta she would eventually start acting ill. If she does start acting off, take her temperature, since fever would be a strong indicator that an infection was beginning. Cassie covered what to look for!

Goats, like humans, experience what is called lochia after giving birth. It is a discharge that can last several weeks. It is more red for a few days after birth, then slowly turns brown, eventually to whiteish, before ceasing. If you see large quantifies or bright bright red blood, that is a problem. But a little bit of red ooze is just the lochia.

It gets very crusty around the vulva and tail. I usually use clippers to clear away excess hair around a doe's vulva before kidding time, to keep the mess under control. I use a warm wet cloth to remove crust once or twice a day, swiping with a new part of the cloth from cleanest to dirtiest in the area (dirtiest would be their bum, so start at lady bits so as not to contaminate).

Lochia is basically the expulsion of all sorts of things like fetal membranes and uterine lining that built up during pregnancy. Other stuff too, but that is what it is in a nutshell.
Thank you so much. She is still acting fine with no signs of being ill and is good to see her being such a good momma as this is her first kidding.
I have a new mama boer who gave birth yesterday around 1-2 pm. She stillhas the after birth hanging out of her. I have tied a wet cloth to it and gave a shot of oxyticin but wondered if there is anything else I cld to to help her deliver/pass it. I have also massaged her stomach and gave her a shot of penicillin.
You can try pulling it. Use a slow steady traction. Don't yank or pull too hard it will break off. If she is still open you can insert a couple uterine boluses made for cows. They help break the retained afterbirth down and fight infection. If you can't get your hand in there you can't use them.

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