How do you rat/mice proof your coop?

I have been told by many that chickens attract mice or rats, and I really don't want that to happen. How do I prevent this from happening?
Hello! We've never had a rodent problem in our coop, but we do have a lot of rodents near by. I would attribute our rat/mice proof coop to quarter inch wires. (Squares of wire that have a quarter inch perimeter.) I like to line the floors with it, and then put dirt/sawdust on top of it to keep the chickens safe. I also like to use weather proof sealant along the walls (if they are wood) to fill in the spots where rats can come in. Hope this helped!
Best Wishes,
I purchased a small trap on Amazon for $25. It works like a charm. You can exterminate the mice/rats or you can, like I do, simply relocate them. The trap is very effective and I cleared out two dozen rats in a couple of weeks. If we see any (usually at night) then the trap goes back out. Works like a charm. No poison, no threat to the chickens.
simply relocate them.

Attempting to relocate pest animals is ineffective unless you take them a great distance.

If you do not personally own or have specific permission from the owner of the land you release them on it is also SERIOUSLY UNETHICAL -- you have no right to inflict your problem pests on someone else by releasing them on or near others' property.

Additionally, releasing pest animals on public land is often illegal.
Attempting to relocate pest animals is ineffective unless you take them a great distance.

If you do not personally own or have specific permission from the owner of the land you release them on it is also SERIOUSLY UNETHICAL -- you have no right to inflict your problem pests on someone else by releasing them on or near others' property.

Additionally, releasing pest animals on public land is often illegal.

I purchased a small trap on Amazon for $25. It works like a charm. You can exterminate the mice/rats or you can, like I do, simply relocate them. The trap is very effective and I cleared out two dozen rats in a couple of weeks. If we see any (usually at night) then the trap goes back out. Works like a charm. No poison, no threat to the chickens.
Relocating vermin!!!!!! Kill them,, it is an offence here in UK to re release if vermin are caught they have to be killed. Why would you inflict it on anyone else???
Do you actually have a rebuttal?
Actually, yes I do.

I don't kill things. Rats, mice, snakes, coons, spiders...whatever. I choose to let nature take its course. By relocating them to a forest on the outskirts of my neighborhood, I leave them for the hawks, owls, and other natural predators to "take care of".

As for your comments regarding local regulations...jeez, you must really have a LOT of time on your hands. I wasn't looking for a lecture. I was offering a non-lethal alternative to the question posed.

Perhaps you should get a life and stop trolling these seemingly innocent chicken forums?

How's that? Good enough "rebuttal" for you?
I don't kill things. Rats, mice, snakes, coons, spiders...whatever. I choose to let nature take its course. By relocating them to a forest on the outskirts of my neighborhood, I leave them for the hawks, owls, and other natural predators to "take care of".

Do you own that forest?

What right do you have to "solve" your problem by inflicting vermin on others?
Rats come for the food primarily, but also materials for bedding, warmth, water and a place to lay their babies.
I keep my feed in a metal garbage can.
If you end up needing to use traps, I suggest the electric traps, which provide instantaneous death.
I caught 5 rats with the Victor electric trap. It uses 4 C batteries. I still have rat tunnels into the run but haven’t seen or caught any more rats. I set it at night in the run and take it out in the morning before the girls go out.

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