Fawn and Fam

10 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Silly question I'm sure: Is there a certain way to rinse sand from the backyard to use in the inside brooder? I have switched to sand instead of pine shavings (they were eating way too many). However it has created a thick layer of dirt all over everything in the room. I won't be able to use it unless I can get the dust way down. I've heard of people rinsing it, I think to help. Do I just get it all wet (mix it up) in the bucket and then drain off the excess water? I will bake it on 200 degrees in the oven when I'm done to dry it out and kill any bacteria.
I've never figured out a perfect way to rinse it. I've done it for my turtle tank, fish tanks, and now my chicks. What you stated is how I've always done it. Filled a container with the sand (or the tank when I had the turtle and fish), ran water in it, swished the sand around with my hand, and poured the excess water out. Repeat. Repeat until the water runs clear.
Thank you, I hadn't thought of "till it runs clear." Have you found it cuts way down on dirt dust all over the room they are in?
It cuts down at first, but then it's like you never rinsed it. Do you have any dark feathered chicks? If so, pick one up today and look closely at their feathers. You will see dozens of tiny white's their skin that sheds and what you see are the tiny particles of dry skin. Between that and the poop getting scratched around...dust returns in great force. You are still gonna have dust after you rinse the sand but it won't be bad. But it will get that way.

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