how do you say "mille fleur D'Uccle?

Uccle (French) or Ukkel (Dutch), is in Belgium where both French & Dutch are spoken.
This site pronounces the word in Englsh & in French.
Click next to the word at the top for the Englsh pronunciation & next to the lower word for the French pronunciation.

And the 'D' is pronounced D as in duck.
The breeder isn't much more likely to say it correctly than you are.

Don't worry too much about pronunciations. As long as you can spell it correctly, you can communicate!
Mille-fleurs (Mill-ay-Fler)
Mille-fleurs (French) literally means "thousand flowers" and refers to a background made of many small flowers and plants. It was an especially popular motif in the applied arts and crafts during the Middle Ages in Europe.
d' Uccle (Do-U-Clay)
Uccle is a town on the outskirts of Brussels, Belgium


I say "millie flur dee-ukkel", and I've yet to hear a judge, or too many other people, pronounce it differently, although I have seen on here that many pronounce it "doo-clay" or many other variations.

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