How do you tell if a feather will bleed?


9 Years
Jun 25, 2013
I need to trim the wings of mine and this will be my first time. I've read articles, watched videos and everything talks about not cutting new feathers but there's no images to show you how to tell.
Does anyone have pictures that compare an older feather with a new one that will bleed? I just want to be sure I won't hurt my birds.
How old are your birds? By the time a bird is five months old, its wing feathers should be grown in, and will not bleed when cut. If any feathers on the bird's wing are much shorter than the others, they are growing in, and should not be cut. If the wing looks like it has all of its feathers, you should have no trouble cutting.
They are 23-24 weeks old and one of them can make it to the roof of the house
Look at shaft / base of a feather. Has the entire vain unfurled? Yes, feather no longer in blood or prone to bleed. No, then if cut in area still furled within waxy sheath will bleed. What this mean is that when using care you can even cut still growing feathers without bleeding.

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