How does a havabator 1602N work??


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
I am expecting a shipment of eggs sometime next week and i borrowed an incubator froma friend a hova bator 1602N and i want to set it up so the temperature can regulate, but i don't have the manual and haven't the slightest clue what to do.
i would google hovabator 1602 and when i found the manufacturers sight i would download the owners manual.
you are sure cutting it close..
get it plugged in and get yourself a hygrometer and a thermometer right now..

do not add any water to it..YET..

does it have a fan?

run the temp up to 102 without adding any water ,,YET...

once your temp is stabilized at 102F... NOW add warm water..

do NOT re-adjust the temp now.

just observe your temp and humidity.. your humidity should go 40% or higher.. and your temp should come down.. If it comes down to 99F or there abouts I would not touch anything from that point on...

remember, this all take time,, do not expect instant results.. give the bator 24 hours to warm up initially.. then give the adjustments a few hours to stabilize..

plug it in now and go to bed..
I'm not the OP, but thanks for the help. I'm setting one up as well. Your advice is much appreciated!
well, that makes me feel much better..

at least somebody is reaping the benifits of our vast knowlege..

let us know if you have any questions.. and how you make out.. let me rephrase that..
what the results turn out like..
In defence of the OP(who I don't know) When I started useing this site I would sometimes forget to subscribe to a topic I posted. Most other sites it seems you are automatically subscribed to a topic YOU post. Its easy to forget
thanks for that.. I seldom look at how many posts somebody makes or who is posting for that matter..

do you suppose it would help to PM the OP ?

I think I Will give it a try.. maybe they are lost..


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