How does dedicated feeding time work?

My Three Chicks

May 3, 2021
Seattle, WA
I have been providing my 6 hens access to food full time. But I'm currently dealing with a daytime rat issue that (is nearly under control). But for now I'm only feeding them while supervised.

Wondering how folks that have dedicated feeding time do it. Do you provide it to them in the morning and evening? For how long each time?

My girls also free range in the suburban backyard most of the day so they usually are distracted from feeding 😅

Just want to make sure I'm giving them enough opportunity to eat!

(Will ne training them on a treadle feeder soon which will help).
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With my pigeons, AM feeding of 20 minutes and PM feeding of 20 minutes allowed enough time to feed their young and refill their crops. Less might work with chickens as they do not have to 'pump' young. Full crops in the evening would be the goal to work towards.
My chickens eat so often that I really wouldn't want to do that to them. At a minimum, 5 feedings a day with the biggest meals before bed and for breakfast (it's hard on them to fast all night when human keeping often doesn't follow the crack of dawn to dusk schedule they naturally would).
Alternatively, you could just pick up the feed at times the rats are most active. We have a reoccurring rat problem too, due to neighboring farms. They really come out around dusk. I try to pick up all the feeders every night (7 pens), but the birds often make enough of a mess to keep the rodents coming. We've gotten rid of the buggers several times with traps and poison but there are always more where they came from.

There are rodent proof feeders that some recommend. I can't afford that with our current set up, but if we had a single flock I would have a couple of those. If they work.

*It can also help to dump / block off water at night, rats will move in just for a consistent source of refreshing beverages.
My chickens eat so often that I really wouldn't want to do that to them. At a minimum, 5 feedings a day with the biggest meals before bed and for breakfast (it's hard on them to fast all night when human keeping often doesn't follow the crack of dawn to dusk schedule they naturally would).
Alternatively, you could just pick up the feed at times the rats are most active. We have a reoccurring rat problem too, due to neighboring farms. They really come out around dusk. I try to pick up all the feeders every night (7 pens), but the birds often make enough of a mess to keep the rodents coming. We've gotten rid of the buggers several times with traps and poison but there are always more where they came from.

There are rodent proof feeders that some recommend. I can't afford that with our current set up, but if we had a single flock I would have a couple of those. If they work.

*It can also help to dump / block off water at night, rats will move in just for a consistent source of refreshing beverages.
Yeah I just bought 2 rat-proof treadle feeders and once they are trained on those then they can go back to having access full-time.
Right now I'm in and out feeding them all day. They have food probably half their waking hours. Was just wondering what folks do. So thank you for the reply!
I feed once a day to avoid issues like this. I feed no more than what they can clean up by the time they roost. I know you said you're having a daytime issue but chances are they found that food source at night and have just been coming to it so regularly that they're brave enough to do it in the day now.

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