How early can I determine the gender of my Rouen duckling?


8 Years
May 16, 2011
So I put in an order for a Rouen duckling at my local feed store. They take orders from their poultry catalog and the shipments come in every week. Unfortunately, they are straight-run ducklings only. I'm hoping for a drake
but there's a 50/50 chance it will be a hen. How early can I tell what the gender is?
At about 4-5 weeks you should be able to have a good idea based on voice. Girls are LOUD and the boys have more of a raspy little whack and not quack like the girls. To be super sure it may take about 2 1/2 months when they loose their teenage feathers and get their grown-up feathers and their drake feathers start coming in.

Side note: Your feed store was able to order you just one duckling? It's best for them to have a buddy because they are super social and do not like being alone at all.
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mine are a little over a month old and the drakes (the boys) have gotten white rings around their necks and the drakes have lighter bills than the girls.

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