How early can you tell if you have a rooster?

I have very curious hens that run up to check things out too. I think maybe it's early to tell. When you have all females generally one will take on a more dominant role and act a little rooish. Give it a few weeks
@softshell she looks like a hen to me but the best way to know for sure is looking at the length/shape of the tail feathers. Roos should be longer and less rounded also curling by that age. This does not apply to silkies or sebrights!
I'm having the same thing going on. I now have four pullets (I hope) that are nine weeks old. The buff orpington is a LOT bigger than the barred rock and the two cuckoo marans, but they all have tiny yellow combs and I don't see any wattles yet. The BO is also the bravest and most curious and the only one that jumps up on the edge of the brooder whenever someone lifts the lid up. She was the first one to fly up and sit on the little roost we put in the tote brooder. If we don't soon get that coop done, they'll be standing on top of each other! I can see them all growing more every day, but Buffy the most! The barred rock is second in size and the two marans are just slightly smaller. I can tell the difference between the two marans because one has longer tail feathers than the other. I was just wondering at what age it usually becomes obvious if there's a rooster among them with those breeds.
Are Cuckoo Marans and Barred Plymouth Rocks very similar when born and hard to Sex? I think one of my Cuckoos is a Rooster, It's like she/he is trying to crow already, but no sound is coming out. Either that or she/he is gagging, which I not a good thing, but she/he doesn't do it all of the time. Also one of my EE's is bigger than the others and while I know that hens can be different sizes, she just seems much larger at a week and a half.

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