How far along would you think this duckling was?

They are mallards. We bought Mallory & Quakers from Rural King with the hind toe already clipped (they clip mallards at the hatchery before shipping to Rural King). They really aren't that big, just look big next to the baby mallards. We did find a vet to show us how to do the hind toe clippings the other day. He takes care of all the animals at African Wildlife Safari in our area. It was so simple. Just wanted to see it done once before we attempted to do it.
Interesting. Huh. Guess I'd better stop telling people that then!
I wonder if hatchery mallards are a bit different than wild mallards then.
I was wondering that too! I hope my big ducks stop harassing my ducklings!
I was worried about that too, but, not at all...he is just as motherly as the mom. You can tell he loves them very much. Yesterday when we went to the coop to check on them, momma duck was sitting under the heating lamp & the babies were up following daddy duck around.

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