How far away from the chickens should I put quails? I read horror stories if they are close by.


10 Years
Jan 21, 2014
Guys, I am keeping about 8 chickens and 6 guinea fowls. My birds are free range all the time.
Now, I want to get quails. I will build them a new enclosure and a coop, however, I am trying to decide how far from the chicken coop I should do it? I understand that main thing is to have a healthy chickens, problem is sometimes I have no idea if the chicken is sick. Out of 10 chickens we've got last year, a few died out from some sort of disease, remaining chickens are all good.
I was thinking of building a separate enclosure like 20x10 for quails maybe 10-20 feet from chicken coop. Is that still to close?

Thank you.
Guys, I am keeping about 8 chickens and 6 guinea fowls. My birds are free range all the time.
Now, I want to get quails. I will build them a new enclosure and a coop, however, I am trying to decide how far from the chicken coop I should do it? I understand that main thing is to have a healthy chickens, problem is sometimes I have no idea if the chicken is sick. Out of 10 chickens we've got last year, a few died out from some sort of disease, remaining chickens are all good.
I was thinking of building a separate enclosure like 20x10 for quails maybe 10-20 feet from chicken coop. Is that still to close?

Thank you.
put the quail pen as far away from the coop as possible and horror story have happened to me
quail attract every predator
what type of quail are you getting??
i am planning on getting Coturniz Quail. Predators? I mean my chickens attract hawks all the time. However, I plan for quails to be in a complete wire enclosure.
Oh 100 feet? That will be a lot of walking between the chickens and quails :)
It does make me glad that I only have quail. ;-)

I probably wouldn't be that strict personally since I try to practice good biosecurity anyways. I have a pair of garden shoes that I wear only in my yard, and I don't wear my regular shoes in the yard. I've only added birds that I've hatched so far, but I have a quarantine area set up in my garage for any that might get sick or if I do pick up any birds from outside.

If you keep those kinds of practices, you probably don't have to keep them that far from each other.
i am planning on getting Coturniz Quail. Predators? I mean my chickens attract hawks all the time. However, I plan for quails to be in a complete wire enclosure.
yeah but every thing will eat quail
Oh 100 feet? That will be a lot of walking between the chickens and quails :)
i my a half mile walk to take care of all my birds :D
and i the horses are being crazy it can be a while before i can go from pheasants to the chickens
Guys, I am keeping about 8 chickens and 6 guinea fowls. My birds are free range all the time.
Now, I want to get quails. I will build them a new enclosure and a coop, however, I am trying to decide how far from the chicken coop I should do it? I understand that main thing is to have a healthy chickens, problem is sometimes I have no idea if the chicken is sick. Out of 10 chickens we've got last year, a few died out from some sort of disease, remaining chickens are all good.
I was thinking of building a separate enclosure like 20x10 for quails maybe 10-20 feet from chicken coop. Is that still to close?

Since the chickens range freely, I don't think it will make much difference where you put the quail pen. The quail will still be exposed to anything the chickens have. It might be better to put the quail pen in a spot that is not the chickens' favorite place to hang out all day, but even that will probably not make much difference.

So I would just put the quail pen in a spot that is convenient for you, and hope for the best.
I think I'd just try not to have their waste and/or food have any chance of mixing in order to reduce the possibility of disease transmission. Not much you can do about the predators, but I started w quail so I just assumed that was all birds, haha.

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