How far will true free ranged chickens go?

my goodness ok they have access to 15 acres -but do not go that far-line of sight ok is possible they go 500 yards up a gentle slope but they do loose sight of pens when they
go the other side of the house --maybe only 100 yards that way but I will step it out because I know where I have seen them- ps the person with 640 acres is correct lol that is impossible -but they do go to a neighbour and that has to be 100 yards my goodness what a question ok I will study them-so sorry
ok I think on this -my thought was like a circle-say 500 yards from a central point-one of many protective gated areas-under the area of a circle formula this is and area of785,500 square yards or 16.2 Acers-still way to big---I am unsure as I said they have access to at least 15 acers -I am near sure they go 500 yards in at least one direction-I need to find my block measurements-I have seen guinea fowl cross another block and a road to nest in grass-thank the lord the roads are very low traffic- I am unsure now but as I said they must go near 500 yrds -up a gentle slope and they if they have the high see their home-I am sorry to waffle it is my nature to look until I can know the best I can know -I apologise
Well and good but the question was "HOW FAR WILL TRUE FREE RANGE CHICKENS GO?"

I consider the words TRUE FREE RANGE as meaning chickens that are never cooped, never fed (except perhaps for a few table scraps) or chickens that are lucky enough to forage all day while standing between the rear legs of the homestead's milk cow.

Chickens like humans are quite lazy and chickens will never go further or work harder than the minimum required to keep themselves fed.

You assume they have been cooped before. They free ranged for years. They were only cooped this past summer due to a fox. Before that they had no fence. No need to use capitals and bold font. I understood the question just fine, but thanks for all the extra attention ;)
@Trish1974 they have been trained. They would prefer the field to the treats though. Well, let's say 1 will stay in the field the rest eventually come to me.
My mind thinks there are evil critters lurking in the corn just waiting to pounce on the chickens. ;)
I even let them out in the evening so that they don't wander too far, but I don't want to be in the middle of the corn field at dusk (or any time for that matter).
This is Peaches she doesn't always listen to me. :D
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all brilliant stuff-I apologise to all and every if my meaning dose not come through-I make no excuses except I can not help it -brilliant people thank you
amazing info-and than you all -I am amazed - I mean no harm-my block is 275 by 88 yards and that is 5 aces-our poultry free range fully what they want-they have access to 2 similar sized blocks and ok they have variable distances and I have no concept of distance I deeply thank you for those words and knowledge--as an idea Inow say they will go 100 plus yards one direction-50 yards another 50 another and 50 another--any fences that they are able are no barrier-in fact chicks will usually find a way out-guinea fowl may well cover 15 acers but they can fly -thank you for the info I apologise if I waffle I mean to not offend I am 100% sure in those last words-and in fact I apologise for apologising

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