How good are cornish/rock crosses for laying hens?


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Russia, NY
Now that my wife made her first egg sale she would like to get a few more chickens (it's about time). One of her friends is raising meat birds, and after processing 27 of the 60 she doesn't want to process anymore. The chickens are cornish/rock and cornish brahma crosses. My question is should we buy a few of the hens for the purpose to use them as egg layers? Would their egg production numbers be anything like a rock? Thanks in advance for any info/opinions.
I'm guessing getting one to live long enough to get to laying age would be difficult. Their bred to grow so quickly that their internal organs can't keep up. If they're not dispatched fairly early, they just tend to drop dead. If you're intention is to have meat and eggs, research the dual purpose birds, or do what most here do and have a 'layer' flock and a 'meatie' flock.
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Cornish crosses are very poor layers, and eat an enormous amount of feed. If you are interested in eggs only, get Leghorns. They are the most efficient, and will lay well all year long. If you want dual purpose birds, get Orpingtons, Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes, or many of the other dual purpose breeds. They are pretty good layers, and fair for meat too. Good luck!
We have a nice little CornishRock cross that has been laying nonstop for 25 days. She is the only consistant layer in the flock. We kept her on a whim because she was too small to eat. Thank god we did. First to mature and most consistant layer!

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