how high a fence or to clp wings?

i have standard heritage bronze turkeys and i have a 4 ft fence and their wings are not clipped and mine don't get out? is this normal???
Bronze turkeys are the biggest of the turkey world. Those monsters are going to have trouble hopping over each other let alone flying over a four foot fence. LOL!

The hens can get over a 4 foot fence but not the toms.

I only have one pair of standard bronze turkeys, almost 6 months old. I weighed than about a week ago. The hen was 16 lb and the tom was 26 lb. The hen flies up to an 8-ft perch every night to roost. The tom roosts on the shelter roof which requires a 4 1/2 foot vertical to get on the low end, and he makes it with no problem. Maybe I should start jacking up the low end to see how high he can get?
Today was very windy. My adult Buff Tom turkey was blown over our 6 foot fence. His one wing is clipped. I think the wind was the cause of the problem.

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