How important is it to let Eggs settile before Incubation?


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
Milford/Norwalk, CT
So it's 2:17 AM I cant sleep so im on here.

I was looking through some forums and it hit me!

Maybe the reason i haven't had successful hatches is because i'm over excited and dont let the eggs sit.

How would i go about letting my new order sit? I mean the temperature has to be a certain degrees right? MY eggs only coming from a state away how long should i wait and does distance make a difference on how long i let it sit

This is so frustrating! D:

Also what about this 'Misting" Eggs?Does it work???

I jus need general tips, what works best for you? i dont have an auto turner yet it will be comming in on monday ;3;

I let my eggs settle at least 8 hours. I have read that some let them settle a little longer. It depends on what you are hatching if you mist or not. I have read that only goose eggs should be misted. I did mist my runner duck eggs because they were in with the goose eggs. They hatched fine! But not the goose eggs!

I unwrap my eggs and put them in an egg carton on the counter until it is time to incubate them. Good luck!

LOL just saw that they probably are duck eggs! Read your signature!
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I usually let them sit for 24 hours before placing them in the incubator. I've had numerous duck and goose breeders (with excellent hatch rates) tell me that they do NOT mist their eggs because they open the incubator as seldom as possible. I have never misted my eggs either. But, I HATE to give out "advice" that is against the popular belief.

I do keep a really close watch on humidity and temperature and try really hard to not open the incubator if not necessary. Also, try not to candle too soon or too often. That is a hard one....had a goose egg explode in my redwood cabinet incubator a couple of weeks ago and that was awful (smelling).

Good luck!!!
I usually let my hatching eggs sit over night , in an egg carton with pointed
end down. and yesterday was the day they went into the bator with an automatic turner.
temp and hum. right on 99.7 and hum 53.
so hopefully I will have fuzzy butts by 21 days..
wish me luck that will make a total of 60 in my flock ...
opps chixs that is.

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Thankyou! Well I've alway manually Turned them So i may have just lost too much humidity... or had it too high

It was almost a YEAR ago that i tried

I'm going to try this time my HARDEST for a Hatch, i want that Duckies Mommy bond you know

Thankyous :3
So for now i have decided not to mist, maybe once or twice. I dont want the shell to be too hard.
I had one of those mini incubators, the yellow ones, With 8 Quail eggs. I Didnt know that the water had to be replaced on the botom the first time and the second time i always made sure one of the 'legs' were at a good height.
I brought that incubator and the eggs everywhere with me, lol.
But the DAY AFTER I left out or state and the eggs with my fiance there was a PIP! lol i missed it. The shell was too Hard and him and i got a little too anshous (I was 16, lol) and got the baby out in under 2 hours v.v I learned my sellon he died that night

I was so upset. But now im older and ALOT more educated. I know i can do it this time!

I've decided on the 'Egg Carton Method"
I'm going to get a Humidity Monitor
POSSIBLY Buy an auto turner
AND some humidity pad thingys on Ebay :3
You do not have to spend money on humidity pads. Take the lid from an egg carton, add water and insert some cheap sponges that you can buy at the store. Regular sponges not the ones with the scrub pad on them.
OH! thats an even better idea thankyou! knowing me just to be sake I'll go out and buy brand new sponges so i wont worry bacteria will from.

Anyone else with some good tips! :>

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