How It's Made show on Eggs... Watch video they made...

I can understand why some people wouldn't want that little extra in their yolk. I'm sure most people don't even notice it unless it is pointed out to them. Doesn't matter to me at all but fresh eggs are different than the pale yolks and runny whites you get with factory eggs. So it's different and then you say "Know what that is?". It's the start of a baby chicken. Of course a lot of people read more into that than they should.

I would like to know why some people don't want eggs that haven't been fertilized. Is it a religious thing or are they supposed to be healthier or what?
Maybe she wanted to hatch the eggs?
I got an egg from my mother-in-law once, boiled it, peeled it and found a half developed chick... never asked her for eggs again, got my own hens.
Bird flu was hype. The large media outlets love to latch onto some new epidimic to try and scare the feeble minded into going out to buy a 100 gallons of bottled water and all the hand sanitizer they can find. Some people died from this disease in southeast Asia because they LIVE in the same house as their animals and drink and poop in the same places. With that much interaction things are going to happen disease wise. How do you think we got all of the diseases in Europe that we spread to all of the new world? Because of their domesticated animals that were living in close contact with them.
Not drinking the Kool-Aid on this one.
I have loved chickens all my life and I have raised thousands of them but I have and will never lose any sleep over some broiler or layer hen. I do worry and have great concern over the millions of HUMANS who barely are able to survive each day on this planet because of malnutrition. If one animal has to live in the not so greatest conditions to be able to allow a human being to survive, so be it. Some chickens are valued for their specific breed characteristics and some chickens are commodities.....that will not change.
Are there ways we can do things better in the future? Yes of course there is and I look forward to real, feasible, scientific answers to those problems, not emotional reactions that seem counterproductive. Can we be more sustainable in all aspects of agriculture? We have to be in the future, otherwise the deadliest issue on our planet is going to be malnutrition and there arent that many wars fought over malnutrition because if your starving and feeble you dont have much fight left in you.
Sorry if this is a total rant. I am up way too late tonight
Have a great day.

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