How long after the combs turn bright red do they start to lay

I got my chicks as day olds on May 22, 2009, got my first egg the day before Halloween.
You said you have a mix from 6 months to 18 months, If you recently got them and moved them to a new home, they may be stressed and not lay till' they feel safe.
You really can't go by the color of their combs, they lay when they want to, and not a moment before
I got my chicks as day olds on May 22, 2009, got my first egg the day before Halloween. 
You said you have a mix from 6 months to 18 months, If you recently got them and moved them to a new home, they may be stressed and not lay till' they feel safe.
You really can't go by the color of their combs, they lay when they want to, and not a moment before

But if you've had them since day olds I would hope the 12-18 month olds would be laying by now
Mine started laying at exactly 23 weeks in the middle of winter. At 6 months they should definitely be laying by now. However, it being winter, they may just wait till spring. If they are not laying, make sure you are supplying layers feed, enough calcium in their diet, plenty of water, and enough light.

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