How Long Are Your Spurs?

Hannah hen

In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Snow Hill, NC
Here is a none winning but intersting show topic. HOW LONG ARE YOUR SPURS?
We have a 3 year old BO roo that has some LOOONG spurs! We call him Big Daddy, can you see why? So we thought it would be great to see if anyone else has a rooster that had longer ones. Why not put on some pics and we can compare.


1 7/8" long
He better enjoy them now because they have to come off, he's been attacking the grand-children.
have you tried doing the hotpotato method for the spurs? the other issue is if he is aggressive, do you really want him around? so the grandkids won't grow up scared of roosters- you might consider rehoming him for a less agressive roo?

anyway- meet Galahad, my EE roo-

he replaced an aggressive roo, and is a sweetheart
there are a couple threads talking about it, pro and con-
i've never done it, but the idea is you put a potato in a microwave till baked, put it on the spur for 5 min, it loosens the outer sheath and will twist off, you can also blunt the spur- i have never messed with the spurs- since he needs them to protect his girls and has never hurt them- your situation is different- i had a roo chase down my grand daughter- he ended in the freezer

These are my rooster Hopes spurs. his spurs are 2 inches too!!!!


These are Babys spurs. the hens name is Golden.
i'll have to measure Galahads, look at this girl looking- like new roo has macho spurs!


love the pic with Golden peeking at the spurs!

this is a bit more about the potato, can' find the actual post-

Microwave potato until hot, put on spur to the base (push it on), set timer for 3-5 minutes. Then twist spur off with fingers. No bleeding, squawking or pliers needed. I have done it several times. The spur comes off like 'butter'. The potato cooks the living/growing part of the spur, so it does not grow back. What is left is the bone spur underneath- same thing that would be left if you brute force twisted the spur off with pliers- difference with the potato is that the tissue is killed and the cooked keratin spur slips off the bone rather than having to be brute force pulled/twisted off.​
I love that pic of Golden and the spurs, too.

This took some work to get my photos because I didn't have any one to hold my Jumbo Cochin, Colin. I didn't notice how large his spurs were unlit recently because they are hidden by feathers, and fortunately he doesn't use them on me. He didn't like the tape measure and was not going to stand behind it for me to take a flash photo. His spurs measured at least 3 inches. I did get a good shot of them next to an acorn that measured one inch for some reference. After all the effort I went to I am going to post this on MY BYC PAGE.



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