how long can duck eggs be left alone? mama went out and they were cool

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aren't they gorgeous?

Today, though, she was off of them quite a bit for what seemed like a long time....we finally shut her in the house and now she is back on them....will they still be Ok do you think? Can they go quite awhile? It is about 61 degrees here, wet and chilly...I don't know why she wanted to play in the rain so much today!
My drake Donald is very protective of daisy. She has just started sitting. I am wondering if drakes are more protective of his own and not others. We have two baby ducks that he keeps going after so we had to separate the lil ones from them.
Hi, I have 2 pair of call ducks, one has taken herself off today, eventually found her under a huge pine tree in the garden, also found a clutch of 9 eggs!! Sad thing is she's sitting on them but quite happily goes in at night and leaves the eggs. (We never noticed she was nesting) I guess these eggs will be 'dead' now? What would you guys advise I do ? I'm new to ducks, always had chickens but they don't lay willynilly all over the garden.

Thanks in advance.
Ps how long before the duck eggs hatch? (Obviously good ones)
How long was she off the nest? They say up to 1/2 hour, but they can go longer. Yes, the first time doesn't always go smoothly. Let her set them. She'll hatch what she hatches. Remember, they turn them alot more than we do.

Did she sort of cover them with straw or hay. Mine do but not always. Make sure she has extra nesting matterial to cover them with if she wants. If she strays to long. Lock her down and only let her out to bath for 1/2 hour, she'll get the idea. Also, as she adds more eggs, she'll set longer, instincts will kick in full force.
What about the last few days before hatching, people who incubate I think call it lockdown so would it matter if a hen gets off for a little bit at this time period
My Female Pekin ducks lay eggs daily well one is laying but I don't know which one it is that is ?
But she has I think at least 6 or 7 in her nest ?
I heard once they get up enough eggs they won't that they will go broody and lay on them ? Cause they want them all to hatch at same time

My Female Pekin ducks lay eggs daily well one is laying but I don't know which one it is that is ?
But she has I think at least 6 or 7 in her nest ?
I heard once they get up enough eggs they won't that they will go broody and lay on them ? Cause they want them all to hatch at same time View attachment 1264891 View attachment 1264884 View attachment 1264891 View attachment 1264884
View attachment 1264884 View attachment 1264884
Srry new to this I don't know why it posted as many pics
How long can a duck be off of her eggs? This is all new to us and our Aztec hen. We had no idea she was feeling "broody"
Anyway, yesterday I noticed that she started to sit on her egg. So, I ran in the house and got the 3 others that were fertile from the day before and waiting on the shelf to go to an incubator at another persons house. Put them under her to when she took a stroll out to the water. She sat all day yesterday, all night, went out this morning for a quick swim and was back in in 10 minutes or under. Sat most of the day, came out once so I went to check and they were warm and there were 7! so she took some of the other ladies eggs...yeaaah! Anyway, this evening, she came out for a swim and she was off for a longer time. I went in the back and snuck a peak and they were cool.....she went in and went back on them and is there tonight...>How long can she safely be off? How cool can they get? Is the first time they go a learning curve for them or is it completely nature and she will just do this just fine and we don't have to worry unless we really see her off of the eggs?

:goodpost:Lol! Just came across this post and I can definitely relate. My Muscovy hen has been on her eggs for slightly over a week now and I've been super worried about the lengths she stays away from her eggs. What makes it worse is that when I find her I can't tell exactly how long she's been out so I pick her and take her back to the coop. It's my first time dealing with a broody duck and I swear this kinda feels like an actual pregnancy!! :lol::lol::lol:

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